How connecting with care workers enhanced Skills for Care’s insight into workforce turnover in the social care sector
The adult social care sector has grappled with heightened care demands and an escalating number of vacant job positions for many years, only exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic. Skills for Care wanted to identify the factors behind these difficulties with retention and recruitment of care workers, understanding why they were leaving jobs in adult social care and where they were leaving to.
This was a pilot project in two geographical areas, the North West and the East Midlands, designed to test the methodology with a view to expanding the research to gain a broader picture of the issues at a national level. Qa worked with care employers on the research, conducting scoping interviews with managers to gather expert insight which informed the design of a quantitative survey for care workers. Using the survey and qualitative interviews, Qa engaged current care staff, and those who had left a role in adult social care.
Our research discovered that the key motivations to stay in a social care role revolved around a positive workplace culture, strong workplace relationships and open communication. Skills for Care used the report to support the adult social care sector by publishing it on their website alongside resources designed to aid the sector with staff retention, as well as showcasing it in their newsletter. Read the report here.
For more information contact:
Georgina Culliford Research Manager
01904 632039
Photography: Matthias Zomer on Pexels