London bus near Westminster

Local & Central Government

Local Government

We conduct consultation and engagement studies with residents and community stakeholders to help local authorities to improve local services.

By offering a range of consultation techniques such as resident surveys and deliberative events we enable local authorities to ensure residents are at the heart of policy and decision making.

Our research services allow you to:

  • Establish strategic priorities for service delivery
  • Inform the development or refinement of new and existing service models
  • Ensure services meet the needs of those living in vulnerable circumstances
  • Evaluate and refine the impact of communications campaigns and strategies
  • Measure satisfaction with and the impact of service delivery
  • Inform strategies to reduce carbon emissions and achieve net zero

Central Government

We work with a range of Central Government departments or specific bodies and agencies on a wide variety of studies either directly, or in partnership with specialist consultants or academics.

A selection of departments and bodies we’ve worked with include Department for Education, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, VisitBritain / VisitEngland and the Social Mobility Commission.

For more information please contact:

Michael Fountain  Research Director
01904 632039

Who We Work With