Unlock your future in market research – at this MRS masterclass
If you’re looking to develop your qualitative research skills, this one-day masterclass is for you.
The Advanced Thinking in Qualitative Research Masterclass is being run by the Market Research Society in July.
This intensive, one-day training session is for both agency-side and client-side researchers who have a thorough grounding in qualitative research and want new routes to insight.
Delivered online as a series of live sessions, it will take participants to the next level of qualitative research with a suite of skills that includes semiotics, ethnography, discourse analysis and creativity work with consumers.
The masterclass features Qa Research MD Richard Bryan. He will explore inclusivity in research design – how to ensure people in vulnerable circumstances and/or are digitally excluded are included in qualitative research projects.
The training is hosted by Dr Rachel Lawes, of Lawes Consulting. The other speakers are Dr Nick Coates, Director, Customer Experience at C Space: Tom De Ruyck, Managing Partner & Head of Insight Activation at InSites Consulting; and Siamack Salari, founding contributor at Not Everyday Life.
- For more information about Qa’s work in qualitative research, contact Richard Bryan, Managing Director, at richard.bryan@qaresearch.co.uk and 01904 6320394
Photography: MRS ‘Advanced Thinking in Qualitative Research Masterclass’