1. Overview of the research project

Why is this research project happening?

Cambridge Water has developed a new water tariff for customers who have a water meter and with a household income of between £20,050-25,000 per year.

The company want to start offering this new tariff to eligible customers from October 2024 and want your help with understanding what you think of it, by taking part in research. This means sharing your views and giving feedback on the tariff whilst you are on it.

What am I being asked to do?

You, alongside other customers, have been invited to take part in a research project. This is completely voluntary – you do not have to take part if you do not want to.

The research part involves you taking part in two interviews where you will chat with an independent researcher, plus completing five short diary activities. We will give you all the support and information you need to do these.

Who is involved in this project?

Cambridge Water is responsible for the tariff.

We are also working with partners including housing associations to recruit customers to take part – so you may have been approached this way.

Qa Research is an independent research organisation who are looking after the research and who have been working with Cambridge Water for over six years.

How does the tariff work?

The tariff offers a household a 60% discount on any water used up to a certain amount, which is enough to cover essential water use (e.g. cleaning, washing, cooking) in a household of your size – which is roughly about 75 litres per person per day – or half a bathtub. Your water use will be taken as an average over time based on your meter readings – your water use will not be measured every day.

Any water that you use above your household’s essential water use amount will be charged at the normal rate which you are currently paying. This means that your water bill will almost certainly go down. The only way your bill will go up is if you start using a much larger amount of water on a regular basis.


2. What we need you to do

When will the research happen and how long will it take?

The research will start from October 2024, where you will be expected to take part in two interviews over the phone or via Zoom. Each interview will take up to 1 hour.

If you sign up to take part in the research, you will start your new tariff in October 2024 it will last for at least a year. You can leave the tariff at any time.

After the interviews, the five diary activities will be sent to you every 2 months throughout the trial period and will take up to 30 minutes to complete.

What happens if I need to withdraw from the research before it is completed?

You are entitled to withdraw from the research at any time, by letting your contact at Qa Research know. However, we ask that you only sign up if you are genuinely interested in staying on the tariff over the next 6 months or so.


3. What you get for helping us

Is there any financial benefit or reward for taking part?

As detailed in section 1, the tariff itself is likely to save your household money on your water bill, as it offers a 60% discount on your water use up to a certain amount of water use.

On top of this, by completing all stages of the research you will receive a thank you payment of £100.

How will the incentive be sent to you?

The £100 incentive can be paid as a bank transfer, or a shopping voucher depending on your preference.

When will the thank you incentive be paid to you?

You will receive £50 when you have completed your two interviews.

The remaining £50 will be split up and sent every time you complete a diary exercise – each activity gets you £10.

Please allow a week for Qa to pay you after each part of the research you take part in.

Will there be any deductions in the incentive if I am unable to complete certain activities or stages of the trial?

If you are unable to complete a diary exercise you will not receive the £10 for that activity.

What are the benefits of being part of the research?

On top of the financial benefits, you will be contributing to the development of an exciting new tariff for Cambridge Water, which has the potential to save eligible customers money as well as support the region to think about how much water it uses.

4. Recruitment

Why was I asked to take part in this research?

You have been offered to take part because you are eligible for the new tariff, which is based on living in the Cambridge Water area, being on a water meter and having a household income between £20,050-25,000 per year.

We are also looking to recruit households of different sizes and backgrounds so that a range of views and experiences of being on the tariff can be gained.

If I sign up, will I definitely be taking part in the research?

No, signing up is the first step. If you are selected, somebody from Qa Research will contact you before the end of October 2024 to confirm you are part of the research and give you more information.

What happens if I’m not chosen for the research?

If you are not selected, someone from Qa will contact you to let you know, and at this point you can then choose if you want to go on the tariff.


5. Interviews

What should I prepare in advance of doing the interviews?

You do not need to prepare in advance of the interviews that will take place. The interviewer at Qa will ask questions about your life, your opinions and ask for views on things like communications you have received from Cambridge Water about the trial.

Can other members of my household take part?

Yes, we encourage other family members to join the interviews if they want to, but you won’t receive any additional thank you payments. The more people we hear from, the better.


6. Diary Activities

How often will I receive communication about the diary activities?

Approximately every 2 months, but we will give you plenty of notice of when we will need your help.

How do I submit diary activities and what do they involve?

When Qa contact you to confirm you’re part of the research they will ask how you’d like to receive your diary activities, you can choose from a range of options – text, WhatsApp, post, email, voice notes, photographs. The choice is yours and we will help you if you any questions.

You can choose different methods for different diary entries if you want to, for example a photo one time, and a voice note another.

Is there flexibility in when diary entries need to be submitted, or are they scheduled for specific dates?

Qa will keep reminding you about diary activities until they are completed, but there are no set deadlines, so you can complete them when convenient.


7. Support

Who should I contact if I require help or support?

If you have a question about the actual tariff (for example your bill or what charges you might pay), you should contact the company on:

Cambridge Water: 07484 264 248

If you have a question about the research, contact Qa Research at: essentialsaver@qaresearch.co.uk


8. Outcomes

Will I have a chance to see how my feedback has influenced the next steps of this project?

Yes. Findings from the research will be published on the Cambridge Water website and can be sent to you directly, so you can see how your views shaped the tariff.


9. Privacy

Will my identity and household details remain confidential?

Yes. We will not use your name, postcode or any details that might identify you in any report.

If you take part, all your personal data will be deleted 12 months after the research has finished.

You can read Qa Research’s privacy policy here: https://www.qaresearch.co.uk/privacy/

You can read the company’s privacy policy here:

Cambridge Water:  https://www.cambridge-water.co.uk/privacy-cookie-policy