Learn more about the future tourism experience at these two events
What does the future of tourism hold? Do you have to invest in high-tech hardware to keep the visitors coming?
These are a couple of the questions that we will address at two events in December.
Little research had been done to uncover the advantages – and pitfalls – of visitor attractions using virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR).
This year Qa Research worked with the tourism sector to learn about both their approach to this technology, and where appropriate, their experiences of using it.
We conducted in-depth interviews with visitor attractions of all kinds and sizes up and down the UK.
And at these two events, Qa MD Richard Bryan will share our findings, and what they mean for the future tourism experience.
The events
The Future Tourism Experience
Tuesday December 4 2018, 5.30pm
Owen Building, City Campus, Sheffield Hallam University
This is the second event organised by the Tourism Society, after an earlier one in York proved very successful.
Full details
UKinbound winter meeting
Monday December 10 2018, 4pm
Amba Hotel Marble Arch, Bryanston Street, London, W1H 7EH
Richard will talk about our findings at the UKinbound winter meeting and AGM, which will is also a great chance to meet other people in the sector and discuss ideas.
Full details
- The future tourism experience: what is right for your attraction?
- Six ideas and resources for tourist attractions considering audio visual experiences
For more information about the study contact Richard Bryan, Managing Director at richard.bryan@qaresearch.co.uk and 01904 632039