Your name and contact details need to be provided so Qa can contact you if you win; your details will not be used for any other purpose. The winner will be drawn at random and notified by telephone/email.

Terms and Conditions of prize draw:

1) The closing date is 16th December 2022. 2) Late entries will not be accepted. 3) There is one prize of £250 in shopping vouchers. 4) One entry per person. 5) Entries from a similar survey (conducted by telephone) will also be included in this prize draw. 6) The winner will be drawn at random within one month of the closing date and notified by the contact details provided. 7) Qa will attempt to contact winners by phone three times and if on record, by email two times. If contact is not made within seven working days, Qa reserves the right to draw a new winner at random. 8) Winners will receive their prize within 3 weeks of the
draw being held. 9) The decision of Qa Research is final and no correspondence will be entered into.